Friday, May 14, 2010

In response to National Journal

I’m not ashamed to claim I am a strong devoted Christian. And so of course I’ll agree with Eb’s statement. I enjoy having this holiday just like I enjoy Christmas and Easter. You see people in our nation celebrating these holidays, but more over in a secular way. There’s a holiday I don’t agree with and that’s Halloween. But am I whining and crying about it? No. If some liberals feel all convicted of National Prayer Day, then cry me a river. Why don’t they gripe about Christmas and Easter? Because the world has changed it all into Santa Clause and into the Easter bunny. People want the goodies they can get from these holidays. That’s not the real meaning behind these holidays. But nooo. We people that don’t believe in God makes us feel more rejected. You make yourselves rejected. If you don’t want to pray or believe in God well that’s your choice. So shut up already and let the people who do appreciate the holiday and give glory to God. Amen!

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