Friday, April 9, 2010

Pay Teachers Based on Performance?

In reality, I honostly don't think this new bill idea is going to fix our kids' education. Wouldn't teachers feel pressured to be more lenient to give good grades just to get a decent salary. These are rough times and this just adds more to the equation. Shouldn't we look at where the real root of the problem is? I still remember being in high school like yesterday. What I've seen is most of the dilemma comes from kids' parents/gaurdians. As humans, and especially in our culture, we hardly ever admit the blame on ourselves, but instead try to point the finger to someone else. Say this bill does pass and more problems arise with students. Parents/gaurdians will more than likely blame the teachers for not doing their job. There's already a need for more teachers and this isn't going to help the situation any better. Teachers don't have time to babysit and play referee for students that don't want to take their education seriously. It's wasting time for those students who are trying to get an education.

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