Friday, February 26, 2010

Bloods N Crips in the White House

It's becoming bloods n' crips inside the white house. Tennessee senator Lamar Alexander shows great lengths of courage to abruptly state a problem within the White House leadership. Political leaders are pointing fingers at each other and saying, “Oh he said this and He said that! Let’s find a way to make this person lose their seat and have someone that’s our side to get their new vacant seat.” The ten month Obama Administration has symptoms of augmenting an enemy list against the Republican Party. I give him big kudos what a lot of people have been thinking, but have been afraid to. His main audience of his speech is to whole the Democratic Party. Senator Lamar Alexander shares his experienced testimonies since the sixties. He was around the Nixon Administration which an enemy list was created. The senator doesn’t want this part of history to repeat itself. Our country is going through tough times and he is trying to show the republican side of working solutions at a one step at time pace instead of just jumping into another new law that just raises more taxes to the nation. Thinking in more practical terms rather than thinking in complex ideas and failing foolishly. He came in a very real and respectful manner to his statement. To look at the core of our problem instead of ignoring it, or pointing fingers to blame.

Friday, February 12, 2010


By the end Time of this month chances of this new Health Care Bill plan will pass. What's great and all is that everyone will have health insurance. Everyone including the people that do not work, know how to corrupt the government system, and steal our paying tax dollars. Yay. Another oppurtunity for apethetic people to be more lazy. Of course not everyone is like this, but it's aggravating that half these people will rob YOUR money. Wow what an improvement. This should even up our cutting taxes. Believe me I am optimistic. Eventually our economy will get better, but now in a slower pace. Medical bankruptcy, here we come.